Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rocketown, party and shower

It has been a busy last couple of weeks. One of Tyler's bands, DiA, played at Rocketown last Saturday night. It was awesome. They played in front of 400-500 people and did great...until the end...JMo, the drummer decided the fall off the stage. It was the end of the last song and he was drumming really hard and next thing we knew he disappeared off the back of the stage for a few seconds! He fell about 5 feet! It was scary then but we have watched the video over and over and laughed soooo hard!! I wish I had a short video of them playing but we took one long video of the whole thing. They did their version of the 80's song "Safety Dance".

Last week while Jeremy was in NC I had a mother/daughter get together. We had 14 people here and had a great time. We played a DVD/board game that was just hilarious!

Yesterday Zoey and I went to a baby shower for Jeff and Becky Smith and their little boy, Noah, from China. He was just a bundle of joy!! Zoey, Noah and another little girl played the whole time.

The week before last we had lunch with friends Harolene and daughter from Guatamala. Another day we had lunch and play date with friends Jennifer and son from China and Allison and daughter from China. It is so amazing to see these kids all together!


Unknown said...

Sounds like you and Zoey have been having some fun social time!! Miss you both!